The Happy Humanist Writes "Well, given the fact that Barbie makes 75 Cents for every Dollar that Ken makes, Ken IS in fact a misogynist if he expects Barbie to pay for her dinner when he asked her out.

Also Ken expects Barbie to have a manicure, pedicure and a bikini wax twice a week. He expects her to be young and beautiful, so Barbie spends a shitload of money and time on anti-aging products, clothes and shoes.

Conclusion: Barbie's life is more expensive because she has to buy shit to please Ken and life up to his expectations. Plus she makes less money.".

Well, given the fact that Barbie doesn't work the sewers, garbage collection or anything requiring manual labour, Barbie will simply have to deal with getting 75 cents for every dollar Ken makes. Barbie would, in fact, be a feminist if she believes that Ken should pay for the date since she has a manicure, pedicure and a bikini wax twice a week out of her own volition because that fits in with her professional victimhood as instated by her feminist views.

Conclusion: Barbie is too stupid to realise she's doing it to herself.

Therefore, The Happy Humanist, you're not only an advocate for treating women like children (misogyny), but also of inferior intellect that drives this ridiculous and ill-founded victimhood.
If Ken asks Barbie out for a date, he realises that it's a two-way street where both demonstrate likeable qualities about one another. Contrary to popular belief, Barbie's worth isn't and shouldn't be assumed. Since Barbie used her brains to make a decision, she must be prepared to pay for herself because Ken isn't an ATM machine. misogynist

Peace Out.
by The Real Humanist May 4, 2015
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Misogynistic: A prickly, AND unwelcoming attitude toward the female species of the human race.
Misogynistic...I have a family that has my five brothers and six sisters in it. All expect their wives to wait on them, AND be ready for them when their needs arise and therefore, I see them as Misogynistic even though they have children by these women. My sisters ,demanding of their husbands, make sure my bro-in-laws know who's the boss. I was born twenty years later, and have no say in how my life panned out compared to theirs, accepting my fate, so long as I'm told to keep my mouth shut and accept the large monthly checks and not ask where the money comes from. Good day
by Alex Van den Kellar March 11, 2017
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A man, preferably white, who does something which somehow offends feminists.
"Hey, that scientist is wearing a shirt with women in bikinis on it! He's a misogynist!"
"What about Kim Kardashian showing her arse to everyone?"
"Na, she's a woman. Only men are misogynists."
by Mythiran November 22, 2014
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A term primarily used as a shaming tactic to describe:

1. Anyone who disagrees with a feminist viewpoint.

Example: Believing that the gender wage gap is not due to workplace discrimination but different choices made by women.

2. Anyone who points out a double standard against men.

Example: Men find fat women unattractive: Shallow, immature pigs who hold women to unrealistic beauty standards. Women find short men unattractive: Preferences

3. Anyone who questions the feminist concept of male privilege.

Example: Pointing out that men have shorter lifespans, poorer work-life balance, higher homelessness rates, make up the vast majority of workplace deaths and suicides, and are treated unfavorably in courts compared to women.

4. Anyone who points out that women have it better in certain areas of life

Example: Men still being largely expected to make the first move in dating and pay on dates.
John is a raging misogynist for siding with studies showing that below the age of 30, women are in fact earning more than their male counterparts.
by AsifKhan333 February 15, 2017
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1: A man who hates women
2: An insult used against men who fight back against women, or criticize women in any way.
Arnold is a small penis misogynist slimeball.
by entivore October 6, 2003
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That misogynist rubbed me down and rubbed me off
by underground crawler January 11, 2018
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