Maryann is a beautiful person, mostly on the inside but she is stunning. she has this great sense of humor and her smile is just so breath taking. you can deeply fall in love with her just from her doing the simple things. speaking of falling in love, shes a hopeless romantic and can never make up her mind about who she really is into. maryanns soulmate is most likely a Virgo, and their initials most likely start with j, or g. i know a couple of maryanns and 1 of them is dating a jayden and other 2 are dating a gabriel, and a genevieve. maryanns also like to party and break rules. their emotionally broken, and their fighters. they also have many, many secrets. most of them are sag, taurus, scorpio and libras. and if you're a maryann reading this.. this is a sign don't ignore it.
B- "hey what was that one girls name from that party, i talked to her and she seemed lit!"
C- "oh that was maryann! shes awesome!"
by american horror story fan February 25, 2021
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slang term for a woman's vagina, used by older generations to teach younger generations about human anatomy.
At the beach: "You better change that diaper, she's got a lot of sand in her maryann."
by Biz Nine December 20, 2010
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a. noun) person who is very strong and extremly shy. She loves to hurt people, hate her mom and hit her sister.

b.verb) to hit someone with your big butt

a.) Jim: Did you see Maryanne yesterday?
Bob: Yeah, she was beating her sister up.

by germanfreak March 4, 2009
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Largest asshole on the face of the earth! She is so sluty that The word "SLUTY" doesn't define her!!! Try more like Asshole/slut/whore/bitch.

P.S. She looks like a fucking guy. Just saying.
Michael: Do you think maryann is sweet?
Albert: Are you fucking kidding me?????!!!! She's the exact opposite!!! Your such a fucking bastard!!!

by Mannydood August 23, 2008
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A level of cannabis effect so great that the brain intensifies. The more a user inhales the more likely they themselves will surpass "baked" and then become, Maryanne high.
Ash: Come on Charmamder! Burn that Bud(ew)
Charmander: *uses bong toke*
Ash: ah dang that some dank ass kush, it got me so Maryanne high
by Maryanne high May 9, 2014
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1. To be lazy
2. To do a half-assed job
3. To be very uncooperative
Boss - "That project is due tommorow"

Worker - "Im just going to pull a maryann on that"
by Nick Skryer March 13, 2008
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