Incontrovertible evidence of the dumbing down of America. This "Sport" represents the worst, most base aspects of humanity. Two bald, tattoo laden, muscle bound sub-humans enter a ring (or octagon, which, ironically enough, most MMA fans are incapable of defining), and commence what any level headed on-looker would believe is a strange combination of gay sex and struggling over the world's last twinkie.

The fans of this sport have about as much civility as a rabid dog with a missing leg, compliments of a wood chipper. If anyone dares to question its legitimacy, be prepared for lots of "what bitch!" or "get in the ring fucker!" or "I beg your pardon sir, but I have no other method by which to compensate for the fact that my 3rd grade teacher molested me. I hear by challenge you to an MMA duel."

You need only look at definition #7 for a prime example of this.

Towards the end of the Roman Empire, the Roman Senate instituted a policy they called "Bread and Circuses". They knew their government was falling apart, so they decided to keep people fat, dumb, and happy by making entertainment available to the masses. MMA defines this. It is the escape of every unskilled, uneducated slob to live vicariously through each fighter, living out every violent fantasy they've ever had stored away.

All in all, it's a bunch of testosterone laden douchebaggery, throw in some self-masturbatory chest beating, and you have right there, ladies and gentlemen, mixed martial arts.
Watching MMA will turn you into a verified de-de-de.
by PHD_in_pain October 10, 2009
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A fighting style used to shit on tradional martial arts
the guy tried to wrist lock me so I elbowed him in the face breaking his nose then used a double leg takedown to take the fight to the ground in which i took my time elbowing and punching him in the face until he was semi concious at which time I transistioned into an arm bar and snapped his arm for being so stupid to fuck with my MMA fighting style in the first place.
by alexlyons May 19, 2008
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"Mixed-UP martial arts".

A style of combative sport which erroneously uses the term "martial" to describe the convolution of poorly-executed wrestling, boxing, and judo techniques commonly used.
Those guys look like like they are wrestle-boxing, and badly! It must be MMA.
by Charlie Bravo March 23, 2008
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MMA is commonly associated with big virgins from Stourport going by names such as “Ollie, mason, Aaron”
They tend to congratulate each other on there magnificently small penis’s
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I'm not putting a definition of MMA. I just wanted to say that Charley Bravo guy with the number 8 definition is fucking retarted and if he wants to see some MMA i'll gladly beat the shit out of him
Charley Bravo: MMA is poorly executed shit

Me: What motherfucker! What! (Huge kick to the head putting his lights out) What now bitch!
by jiujitsujack August 9, 2009
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This is the ultimate sex move of all sex moves. You are fucking her hard while she holds her legs up then you grab the pillow. While she is distracted you another her with the pillow. (She may take this as horse play just keep going until she stops squirming). Next you beat the living shit out of her. Make sure to throw some elbow drops on there. After doing a lot of damage with your one sided fist fight pick her up and throw her out of the second story window. Run downstairs and find her where she lays and finish on her face. Lastly raise you hands and clam your victory.
"Mom why did you go to the hospital?"

"Oh little Tim Tim your dad decided to get kinky and try out The MMA on me."
by Yourmomsajoe February 4, 2020
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