invented in 2017 by two pakistani cousins. is a mixture of 'lol' and 'lmao' but has a much deeper meaning and brings together a community of lolmaoers
im so cool because im part of lolmao gang
by lolmao gang leader March 13, 2023
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when you are just laughing so hard that you are not only laughing out loud but also laughing your ass off.
Brittany: OMMMAAAAGERD LOLMAO u mus b a Comedien!!!!1!1!11!1
Stacy: Lolmao!!!! *dies of laughter*
by Tazder April 14, 2018
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lolmao is a mix of lol and lmao its used when you don’t know how funny something is, and you don’t know weather to say “lol” or “lmao”
p1: hey look at this doggo meme
p2: lolmao
by doggosbeingdoggos April 21, 2019
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A way of saying lol, and lmao at the same time, but without with the enigma of saying lmao.
Person one " ayy you see that meme i posted in in general?"
Person two " Yeah it made lolmao"
by Birb. February 8, 2018
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it just lol+lmao= LOLMAO
A: *telling a joke
by hola master April 13, 2017
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its basically lol+lmao so ya..
a: *telling a joke
b: lolmao dude JAJAJA
by hola master April 13, 2017
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