A generic term for short, emo girls who have an obsession with gay looking men
Look at that Laken creaming over the gay guy again
by wehttamman December 2, 2008
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Laken is a blonde, blue eyed girl. When she has a crush, he always has a girlfriend! She can be so nice but can be so mean. She never wants to be mean but she doesn't think before she says things. She can often become really told off and gets angry or upset really easily. She has lots of friends but lots of enemies. She loves animals but especially cats!
She loves music at school. Sometimes she has wild thoughts!
I'm not sure I like my girlfriend anymore... I like Laken now!!
by LakenKennedy-Scott❤️ June 8, 2017
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stammer fra altas undergrunn.
jeg fikk 7 laken igjen på skatten
by robert June 3, 2004
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“Damn you see that girl laken over there?”
“I heard she fucked the whole football team and some of the cheerleaders too”
by Highschool drama April 25, 2020
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One of the many girls that live on Lakenheath that either: Hook up with the guys from visiting sports teams Has airmen for boyfriends or is just a nasty skank in general
Damn, I'd tap that!" "Too bad she a laken-ho, she's probably nasty
by lknhthscks March 1, 2011
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