n. The opposite of a kink, a turn-off

Origin: from *un-kink*

adj. kunky
I hate back hair, it's my kunk.

I went on a date with this girl and she chewed with her mouth open. So kunky.
by the_secret_cactus April 25, 2018
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A jewish Cunt, a mix of the word kike and cunt, used to decribe the distase of a jewish whore
by Zodie December 9, 2004
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ANything you want it to mean preferably fuck or to light up a BOWL
kunk me kunk you kunk kunk kunk
by MATTY December 17, 2004
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It's a way to say kill that won't get you suspended on Twitter
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A derogatory word used as an insult, meaning cardboard origami rapist.
by Bananal rapist January 2, 2014
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The substance that is expelled from the anus during a Quarmh. Shitty semen.
If you don't take your cock out of my ass right this instant, i'll Quarmh kunk all over your balls.
by Breadster March 21, 2006
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A racial slur used in the cave man era to mock Neanderthal’s
Ooga booga, your a stupid kunk!”
“*random grumble*, kunk.”
by MouthPen July 26, 2021
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