2 definitions by the_secret_cactus

n. The opposite of a kink, a turn-off

Origin: from *un-kink*

adj. kunky
I hate back hair, it's my kunk.

I went on a date with this girl and she chewed with her mouth open. So kunky.
by the_secret_cactus April 25, 2018
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1) The soft, fleshy part of the human body below the back and above the legs, used for sitting on. Often regarded as a sexual object.

2) A person who is rude, mean, stupid, douchey, etc.

3) A donkey.
1) Daaaamn, that girl has a nice ass!

2) Jeez, Peter is such an ass.

3) Before they had mechanical ploughs, they used asses for farming.
by the_secret_cactus August 8, 2015
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