Alright. So a few names were added, but you're going to have to deal!
Detective TopDollar Cowboy Cassius Claudius Klar Weatherman Technicion Pinwheel Kane PHDMD is sexy.
by Mallate April 13, 2005
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Verb. The act of puttering around in the late hours of night, disturbing your roommates to no end.
Verb. To turn on the lights in your room in the middle of the night when your roommate is sleeping.
Verb. To take snapchats in the middle of the night, leaving flashing lights on the ceiling whilst your roommates attempt to grab some shut eye.
Oh boy, here he comes, about to klar around while we, his roommates, are trying to sleep.
by Bigdicklary December 4, 2019
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South African, Durban, Indian slang terminology

To finsh something
Did you klar all your work?
by Yankee Sierra November 2, 2021
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