Coolest dog ever in history and super cute
I love kenzo hi is so cool
by Joma January 19, 2017
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A boy who says he loves you, makes you fall inlove with him breaks your heart. Then he turn into an asshole and ignores you.
Dont be a kenzo
by diamondstubbs April 19, 2017
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A Philly serial killer from the kensington neighborhood known for strangling his victims to death. He is described as being between 5 ft. 8 in. and 6 ft. and he's either black or hispanic. Go figure, so is 80% of all kensington males. But wait, in his composite sketch he's listening to a white ipod so that is a huge clue since most people with ipods never ever take them out of their ears. His victims are all fairly young white women with drug addictions, and they were all similarly found in abandoned lots throughout kensington.
uh oh, my wife has been strangled and my white ipod is missing. sounds like the work of a black or hispanic male between 5'8" and 6.' sounds like the kenzo strangler
by spaghettigambi January 15, 2011
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A kenzo burger is an assortment of once slice of white bread and a microwaved hot dog on top of it. Named for the lovely neighborhood it comes from; Kensington.
Julie: I made some beautiful kenzo burgers for your birthday! Nothing but the most wonderful kenzo meal for my girls!
by KenzoKookin June 30, 2022
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The most amazing man you'll ever have in your life.
He is a talented surgeon, that has a lot of skills.
the most kind-hearted person you'll ever find in your life. And, oh he can use a gun.
"God, i wish i could Marry Dr Tenma(Kenzo Tenma)"
by peakcontroversy July 21, 2022
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A violent act in which a person is made to bite the edge of a sidwalk and someone else stomps the back of their head. This generally causes massive head trauma and results in the loss of many of the front teeth. The term originated in the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia, a notorious Irish slum, incidentally an area where oral hygiene is quite poor, possibly as a result of the Kenzo Mouthwash.
That pussy from American History X stole the Kenzo Mouthwash from us. Now suburban kids who want to pretend they're hard talk about dishing out curbies, but all they don't have curbs in expensive neighborhoods!
by drycell September 20, 2008
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Super potent species of pingers sold exclusively by "The shit" of Colchester fame. Causes hallucinations in doses of 3 or more.
Brownman: What's the motive g
Whiteman: Kenzos 260mg
by buffapacheprime August 16, 2023
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