Best girlfriend you can get.
She`s sexy, lovely, sometimes a grumpy cat ,but still the best.
Her body is a dream . Try to keep her as your girlfriend!
She can cook so well.You can have so much fun with her, treat her right and marry her. She`s the best Girl.
she looks like a jule- care about her!
oh jule, you are a such a grumpy cat, i`ll give you some Food.
jule deserves the best man.
by tim3349k March 12, 2017
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If you have a Jule in your life, you’re one lucky person.
Jule is very caring and always wants the best for you; she’s just doing her thing and doesn’t really care about other people’s opinions.
If you have a Jule in your life, keep her!
I like this girl, she’s amazing! What’s her name?”
Oh, that’s Jule!”
by itsyagirlsophie17 September 14, 2019
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The most handsome man in the world. A badass motherfucker who takes no shit from anyone. A man who gets all the bitches. A man who can undress women with his eyes just by staring at them. When woman see him their panties fall to the floor. A man who makes woman finger themselves all night long.
Jules is a badass motherfucker who gets all the bitches. Jules undressed me with his eyes. I took one look at Jules and my panties fell to the floor. I thought about Jules last night and fingered myself all night long.
by 12341990 February 21, 2018
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Sexy nick name for Julia, Julianna, Juliana, Julie, Juliet ect. Usually used to spice up their name to make their name sound more cute and adorable.

Heyy whats you name?

Julianna, but call me Jules *wink*
by girl2837 January 17, 2009
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Someone who excels at hacky sack, poker and beer pong. A person who is very attractive, witty, cunning and highly intelligent.
Jules walked in the door and instantly everyone was enlightened by his presence.
by gfdsgggree August 23, 2008
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Jules is a hunky piece of man-flesh who also happens to be a genuine, fun-loving guy who makes people laugh on a daily basis. He is a Rick Grimes fanboy, dedicated enough to grow a beard to impersonate him on muck up day, favourite colour is islamic green. He is a definitely a one-of-a-kind kind of guy who really cannot be defined.
Wow, I've found myself a Jules.
by puglover09 May 13, 2015
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