1. smoking a cigarette
2. when forgetting to flick your cigarette and the ash piles up, and finally, when it falls off, this is called "Jenga!"
by liravsar November 9, 2008
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A word used in reference to a drug
I'm high on Jenga

Friend 1: Don't OD on Jenga

Friend 2: to late I'm already feeling crazy stuff happen :D
by Timmmmmmmm. May 17, 2011
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The way in which you carry yourself. Jenga is made up of your overall confidence, style, and demeanor. Jenga can also be expanded to be the reputation of your overall Jenga. You gain jenga, or "Jenga that shit", by performing jenga worthy actions that improve this perception. A person can also "jenga crash," by being an overall pussy and garnering negative jenga for their actions. Jenga is a subtle thing that many strive to gain but few actually attain. It is reserved for the most jengalicious of people. Jenga can also be quantified, with point systems existing in some circles of friends.
"Dam that boi Got Jenga."

When you kick someones ass and or dominate something
"Jenga Bitches!"

"Dam that girls jengalicious!"

"This is Jenga!"

Confused People: "What is Jenga?"
Jenga-Sama: "Jenga is, what jenga wants to be bitches.."
by Avik-Jenga-Sama September 2, 2011
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When one guy hits another guy in the nuts and yells "JENGA" to topple him over like a jenga tower.
Why is he lying on the floor crying? Oh he just got jengaed.
by idisaprove January 30, 2010
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And expression used to show excitment usualy
Chris: *gets new car* JENGA BITCH I GOT THIS FOR FREE!
by ChrisR December 18, 2004
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Commonly mistaken for the popular 90's game, Jenga is a wonderful woman whom I adore. She is hilarious, ridiculous and has an unusual love of brocolli.

One of the best letter writers I've ever known and someone I can't wait to see in an orange jumpsuit.
Ashleigh: Let's go to Second Cup for some teaaaaa, Jenga!

Jenga: Sorry? I couldn't hear you from down there.
by Zeudo Nim January 23, 2010
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referring to a stacked female who is very unstable.
"Yo that soupy bitch is so jenga!!"
by Gregtwon May 2, 2007
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