A new type of government where one appoints their entire cabinet based on people that they matched with over Facebook.
Donald Trump, the kickstarter to idiocracy in America.
by ZKAE October 11, 2019
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Evolved, and hopefully future, form of social organization, based on the recognition of individual (in ancient greek, "ìdios") sovereignity (in ancient greek, kràtos), as opposed to democracy, which is a form of social organization based on the recognition of people's sovereignity.

The noun <idiot> has become synonimous of "stupid", just because it was supposed that the only spring of knowledge was the people, to whom social sovereignity has been on the paper acknowledged. Instead, <idiot> truly means: "original", "unique", "on his own".
As far as a social organization is an idiocracy, it is also a true free society, as opposed to democracy which is in truth a <burocracy>, i.e. an oligocracy of mostly ignorant and crooked politicians, deceptively presented as the best form of society in which common will is done. In fact, the only will that is done, is that of a few rotten politicians.
Teachers/Professors/Pundits/Politicians: "Democracy is the only form of social organization that guarantees freedom"
"Idiot man" (a man who has chosen to be truly, and only, him/herself: not, a lemming): Always the same old bullshit: how many times will it be repeated, before men can understand that only idiocracy is the true free society? Idiots, when will you understand what truly means to be an idiot?

Question: What does an idiot think about him/herself?
Answer: The power is in me: I won't delegate it to anybody else. I'm free!
by virginio December 15, 2013
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A satirical film directed by Mike Judge released in 2006 starring Luke Wilson and Maya Rudolph in which <spoilers> Joe Bauers (Wilson), an Army librarian, is judged to be absolutely average in every regard, has no relatives, has no future, so he's chosen to be one of the two test subjects in a top-secret hibernation program. He and hooker Rita (Rudolph) were to awaken in one year, but things go wrong and they wake up instead in 2505. By this time, stupid people have outbred intelligent people; the world is (barely) run by morons--and Joe and Rita are the smartest people in America
Guy #1: Dude, did you see Idiocracy yet?
Guy #2: Go away, I'm batin'!
by e.ogas May 5, 2007
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Today's media empire is in the state of idiocracy and therefore should be dissolved completely.
by yurazabeth March 20, 2015
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Movie turned real-life with the election of Donald Trump and the invention of the "New Hot Glue Gun For Cheese" in 2016.
Welcome to Idiocracy. - Everyone (2016)

Ah, the dawn of Idiocracy... Damn I miss Joe Biden Memes. - Survivor in wasteland (2021)
by MadMaxT November 18, 2016
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The current administation screws up everything it does, it's a real idiocracy.
by NYInvestingMeetup July 11, 2008
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The act of performing idotic stunts or choices. The act of voting or electing a stupid person or movement. Inbreeding of many rednecks. Featured in the movie "Idiocracy".
dude1: I can't believe bush choked on a freakin pretzel.
dude2: I can, he practices multiple forms of idiocracy daily.

It was pure idiocracy we ended up with the spawn of stupid and redneck for president.

Before long, idiocracy will overun the world with rednecks.
by Hannah Bodily October 21, 2007
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