it's an involuntary sound out of your throat.
an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm and respiratory organs, with a sudden closure of the glottis and a characteristic sound like that of a cough.
Ohh, sorry i just hiccupped.
hiccups don't need medical treatment, as they will go away on their own
by hiccupped March 2, 2017
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Guy: Gah, I shouldn't have eaten so fast. I've got hiccups.
Grammar Nazi: It's spelt hiccough, fool.
Guy: How the hell did you know how I spelt it when I said it aloud?
Grammar Nazi: Spelt is a kind of wheat, idiot.
Guy: My fist is a-kind of about to meet your face.
by Tom Long February 5, 2008
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When a boy or girl (typically who you have a crush on), says they would be glad to hangout sometime and never talks to you again
That girl said we could hangout sometime and that was 28 years ago.... she was a hiccup
by Justanormalwhiteguy July 3, 2019
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the act of squeezing your core muscles to raise your erect penis while simultaneously hiccuping
Oh, man, do you have the hiccups? Nah, worse, I got the hiccup dickups.
by Shoot The Five April 16, 2015
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something you'd usually hear in Michael Jackson's songs.
*vocal hiccups* It's close to midnight, and something evils lurking in the dark...
by healtheworld July 29, 2009
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Consumption of bready foods without drinking sufficient liquids, leading to an episode of rapid, painful hiccups. Two or three drinks of water usually alleviates bread hiccups but also causes a short pain as the bready food is dislodged in the throat.
That banana bread was so good that I forgot to drink something with it and ended up getting horrible bread hiccups.
by mass worder July 12, 2011
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The act of only getting the hiccups whilst smoking a cigarette. The moment you take a drag you get a hiccup, no other time when breathing normally.
"Aww man, got those smoking hiccups again, its miserable, it makes me not want to finish this cigarette."
by jeaux April 11, 2009
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