"I went for a run with a hangover earlier and now I'm hanging out me arse..."
by texluh1138 August 1, 2006
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An Irish rural persons attempt at the word Ham, most commonly used in reference to a sandwich or 'sammich' to make a hangsammich the staple diet of all red necks making the trip to Dublin to watch "de hurlin" a gladiatorial style of combat that makes Russell Crowe look like a big pansy
Here Boy get that washp away from my hangsammich
by bart September 23, 2004
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Spending quality time with a friend or companion but staying home instead of going out.
Mark and Darcy opted for cuddling up with a Redbox movie and hanging in instead of going clubbing.
by thekidcomesback July 13, 2011
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(verb) of a computer or other machine, or a set of them: to stop functioning in the middle of a job or operation, to enter a suspended state, especially unexpectedly and without giving any indication of the cause.
"Morris's message ordered each receiving machine to send out a dozen like it, causing the whole network to hang."

"My computer mysteriously hangs every morning at 9:30."
by anarcissie May 28, 2008
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If a woman's labia minora protrudes from her labia majora significantly. Big pussy lips.
I love girls with hang!
Girls with hang turn me on!
by Raoull Duke March 13, 2006
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