Forget the historical defs.

'Gypsy' is usually prefixed by 'Thieving' because that's what nearly all of them do. They are filthy, dishonest rip-off merchants, and that's just their children. They are NOT cool - at all! As in 11 above, they do indeed carry stolen gear in their Transit vans, that is when they're not hauling off monoblock/garden rubbish/gas canisters to dump anywhere and blight the environment. They also shit into poly bags,which they leave scattered around their sites. The men are lazy workers (bit of any oxymoron, that!), and they travel the country in vehicles that have forged documents, and have no insurance.
They are scum, period!
Those thieving gypsies.............
by skirtlifter January 11, 2005
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Nomadic people who travel europe doing performance arts.
Gypsies came to town and performed traditional spanish dances such as flamenco.
by controltouchmaster February 27, 2010
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1. A person from Romani descent. An ethnic race with origins from India. They are an often persecuted and hated people among outsiders or gadji (Romani term for non-Romani) due to the immense prejudice and derogatory stereo-types believed by most people.

2. A person whom chooses to travel, and does not possess permanent residence or stability. This term is often referred to anyone practicing such a lifestyle regardless of ethnicity or background.

3. Something that is in character, ownership, or pertaining to the Romani. (ie: This is a gypsy dance; my gypsy friend is funny; you have a gypsy sense of style)
"I am a Gypsy trying to educate the ignorant about our race."

"A Gypsy bleeds the same blood as you do. We are all human when it comes to the reality of things."

"No, Borat. The gypsy does not want to eat your 'KHRUM'."
by Romani Girl November 12, 2006
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Someone who lives in caravan parks and defecates on the street. No one really likes them.
Look at that dirty gypsy, he just took a poo on the street.
by Karl Stefanovic69 November 7, 2018
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1. Race of Romany people descendent from mainly Eastern Europe where they are despised as thieves and wastrels.

2. Non-racial group of people of no common descent who choose to live in camps, thus opting out of civilised society, yet still wanting to take part in elements such as the Welfare State. They are despised as thieves and wastrels.
We can't go to that park any more, the gypsies'll gut us and steal our money.
by Tony Mosserelli October 4, 2004
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Don't listen to all these racist bullshit stereo types, I'm a Gypsy and I'm not a "bad" person at all, I don't steal or scam people.

There are two types of Gypsies out there, there are the ones who still live by their traditions (speak the Rom language, don't date outside their race, work as psychics, etc) and there are the ones like me who live just like everyday people work 9-5, go to church, school, etc.
Not all Gypsies are thieves and liars just like not all blacks are ghetto and dangerous, and not all white people are bisexual pedophiles.
by no May 11, 2005
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A member of a people that arrived in Europe in migrations from northern India and egypt around the 14th century, now also living in North America and Australia. Many Gypsy groups have preserved elements of their traditional culture, including an itinerant existence and the Romany language. And as described above their name has been shortened and cropped down to gypsy and that 'little egypt' is now turkey ... etc etc.... but I know from Experience being half French & half Greek, i spent a lot of time in europe France in particular... and i can remember listening to these gypsies jamming out on the street until all hours of the night, and as a kid I would just sit, watch and listen intranced by the music.... I was in heaven, always happy music even on a sad song.... ironicly enough I have heard peoples misfortunes, being robbed, and assaulted, I think that Marvin Gaye said it best "Nothing from nothing leaves nothing so you had to do something.." because I've eaten dinner with the same paople who robbed you.... Sat and listened to their guitars cry, laugh , and sing...... Pick up a Gypsy Kings album.... along with some books on european culture.... Turn of the TV and READ!!!!....
My example of this music i speak of is the GYPSY KINGS.... south of france!! WHAT UP!!! I SEE YOU!!!
The revolution will not be televised!!
by Dream More August 4, 2006
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