A word quite often used by chavs to describe anyone with hair more than half a centimetre long. Used by ignorant morons who make it a generic term for someone who likes rock music, when most of the time real 'grebs' don't care how they're classed.
Moron 1: Watch wer ur goin init.
Moron 2: Stupid greb wiv iz long 'air innit.
by Selryam March 30, 2006
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Greb - Many people seem to think that grebs are depressed and want to kill them selves and only wear black ect.. But they are wrong, grebs just like to have fun, it means nothing to them if people make fun of them because they are proud to be different.
Walk around a few minutes and see how many people swear at you for dressing the way you want to!
Some people say that grebs hate townies (Some do, some don't, all i hate is chavs!)
by Christopher Smith September 6, 2005
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after reading all the current entries for the word 'greb' i have to say that everyone really seems to have the wrong idea. where the hell did not washing come into somebodys personality just because they like amazing music?? even the fact that certain people are labeled grebs in the first place, i mean wtf?? anyway, if i had to describe what people associate the label 'greb' with, then it would be a person who freely expresses themself through the way they present themselves and through their music. other than that theres not much you can put to them as they are each and every one different just as every person on this planet is.
people should grow up, quit labeling people and open their eyes.
person one: look at that greb over there!
person two: grow up, quit labeling people and open your f*cking eyes.
(person two then walks away to find a better friend.)
by :poisonedheart: January 13, 2004
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A nice person who doesn't:
1) slit their wrists!
2) isn't depressed
3) isn't greasy damn it!
4) like lables!

A greb is also someone who isn't a townie or chav. They like their own style of music and clothing and most of all doesn't speak like a complete retard!
Chav: ahh you greasy greb!
by freaky_mcfreak March 22, 2005
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A superior species to the townie.
Named after this theory, matching their psychological makeup
G = Genuine
R = Respectful
E = Educated
B = Befriending
Grebs enjoy a highly comunistical society all are equals, status is gained by friendlyness or individuality rather than random muggings. Most grebs will stay with a sexual partner for years, seeing the bond of friendship to be more than just the sex.

There have been extreme circumstances where grebs have been forced into agressive reactions towards townies, but these are easily won due to more muscular mass in case of males, and increased mental capacity in females.

In greb circles it is cool to express yourself, it is uncommon for a group of grebs to have not formed a band at some point. Most have excellent art or design skills, but would rather have fun producing random films.
Typical conversation between greb and townie;
Greb - "Iguana!"
Townie - "Wot da fook was dat abt man? u wants to have a go? iz gonna kick da shit out of u"
Townie proceeds to punch greb. Greb returns favour.
by Richard Attenborough III April 30, 2004
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A greb is someone who wants to be individual, they are usually smart and are really nice people unlike chavs... who i think should be shot. Many people think grebs have greasy hair and wear baggy clothes to cover self harming marks, but they actually care about their appearance and wear baggy clothes to express their feelings.
I am a greb and I tend to hang around in a big group just talking, on non school uniform days I wear black baggy clothes and loads of jewellery where as chavs wear trackies and football shirts and generally try to act hard to impress others. Grebs Rule
by Holly K October 19, 2007
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A greb is someone who is generally laid back, and cool about things. They do have opinions on things like music but they won't critisize other peoples music. Grebs wear any sort of clothes but usually darker clothes such as dark green, dark blue, and grey and black.
Grebs are laid back and cool unless they are wound up
by 03rolk June 24, 2007
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