When you're scratching your ass and find a stray hair, and as you pull it out you realize it's actually in your arsehole, like floss, but up your ass.
It was so embarASSing when I yanked that flass out during my threesome with Earl and Lorlene.
by Millergirl601 November 30, 2006
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To floss someone's posterior crevice. See "flassing."
He seriously needs to flass; his BO is unbelievable!
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obscenely large sunglasses that cover up most of the face, worn to be "fashionable" or worn by a butterface to decieve men.
Guy 1: Hey, look at this dime piece over here.

Guy 2: Don't get to excited, those flasses gotta be hiding something.
by nickred September 16, 2008
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1. To floss inbetween buttcheeks with a variety of different things.
2. A form of torture (see 1.)
3. A sexual position (see 1.)
Robin enjoys flassing his mother with a gazebo.
We'll make them talk by flassing them into confession.
Don't stop flassing me!
by larry says hi October 15, 2005
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A dance similar to a victory dance, used by underachievers to indicate that they have managed to complete a mundane task and are proud of themselves. The dance usually consists of both hands being raised to just above chest height followed by a slight movement of the shoulders and head from side to side. If the dance does not achieve the attention that the dancer desires, it is often followed by the dancer interrupting a colleague to boast about their fantastic achievements.
"She is doing the flass dance, she must have remembered how to perform a search."
by Echo The Witch September 11, 2009
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(v. pt.) Flossing someone's rear end with floss, gazebos, spatulas, tumbleweed, or any other implements suitable for the task. It is said to have cured some hygiene problems among many odorous high school students.
Flassing is recommended for people who has a great deal of things stuffed in or up their posterior crevice that they become stiff and obnoxious.
Warning: Consult your physician if you experience rashes, blisters, or any other physical discomfort from doing said activity.
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Another word for a flat ass; mostly used when caught staring at someone with a flat ass.
Guy: were you just staring at her ass? Guy2: pfft. No that's flass
by Big Chicken Noodle February 11, 2016
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