Free Kick or Foul Kick.Used in Soccer when a player commits a foul, the opposite team gets a FK.
Team "X" scored there winning goal with a FK.
by Bakhsh June 29, 2006
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FKS First_Kid_Syndrome Describes someone who is involuntary , naturally competitive

P.s Some people with First kid syndrome may be pathologically narcissistic 3:)

If you're FKS type person, you want to be the best.
People with FKS like to compete — to find out who knows the most, runs the fastest, can eat the most hot dogs, and so on.

- AAA : Stop being so focken competitive >.<

-WMD : Sry :p Can’t help it baiby :) blame my FKS ;)
by Phenomenal AAA WMD February 26, 2019
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FK = Free Kill
Used in the gaming world
Mikki: LoL, killed a bunch of people from the behind
NoX: -.-, FK's... really nice
by NoXstar September 2, 2005
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Bob: Hey what happened to Jeff
Sam:Oh I don’t usually hang out with him anymore he’s kinda a FK now
by Jteller May 21, 2019
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"F-L-A-M-E-R K-A-S-E-Y" (to the tune of Mickey Mouse Club)
Oh, whos the gayest one of all; who likes crembrule?
F-L-A, M-E-R, K-A-S-E-Y.
Who thinks afghanistan is north of Canada?
F-L-A, M-E-R, K-A-S-E-Y
Kaseys GAY! Kaseys gay.
now we know who likes crembrule!
So come along and sing the song; make fun of him all day.
by webster September 20, 2003
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its short for "Fuck you" dumbass mother fucking hoes these days...
by s January 29, 2005
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