If you look closely you'll see that the beginning part of this word, |> is a sideways triangle which usually means the play button on a VCR, radio etc. Then it has er at the end so it's like saying player but in a shorter and more clever way. This can only be used when texting or messaging someone.
Text Conversation

Tony: We goin to the party?
John: Yea and that guy Michael will be there.
Tony: Michael is a complete |>er.
by The Chocolate Leopard May 21, 2010
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antiquated form of "before" or "sooner than"
LADY MACBETH: Fie, for shame!
MACBETH. Blood hath been shed ere now, i' the olden time, Ere human statute purged the gentle weal (...)
by urbandict December 18, 2007
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This one single word can actually mean "excuse me" or "can you help me for a minute" this one shortened word "ere" can mean a full question.
ere (person in questions name) can you please show me how to put a job on the system?
by Alex2011connell July 19, 2011
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The Sri Lankan battle cry! Also can be used to say hello.
You: Hey what's crackin?

by Angry Persian May 29, 2007
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A white male in most cases with a huge cock but a huger heart and is very good at cuddles also very fuckable, and often smells and tastes like vanilla.
Damn I want to go out with an Ere.
by ifartinmysleep42069 June 1, 2020
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Not common, but used to mean "her".
I'ma kiss'er.
by Fangsta March 17, 2003
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