An over used, yet quite telling statement.

A Juggalette, Juggalo or Fan of any of the Psychopathic records boys, use this phrase to show thier undying loyalty to thier fello Lo's & Lettes and The Dark Carnival

We dont care what you think because with so many people down with the clown, who else can say they are in a 5 million strong family?
ill be down with the clown till im in the ground
by Kiah Von Krunk July 17, 2008
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The act of making fun of someone mercilessly in front of a crowd.
"Mikey was talking all types of shit, so Clint clowned his ass down in front of everyone, including that bitch Monica that Mikey liked."

"Yeah I heard that son, he even started crying."

"He got clowned-down to the ground."

"Clowned-down to the ground in China Town son."
by Edward Aronson April 14, 2004
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1. to have a good time and act crazy in a way you generally would not act; to act a fool; to be silly with your crew. Generally, to enjoy yourself like you used to around the same group of people, and entertain each other acting silly without feeling the need to impress anyone.
"I can't wait 'til my posse comes to visit me next week, we gon' clown down the whole time."
by HeatMiser_SC January 1, 2012
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u will fuck up any bitch that says they like eminem
i love eminem....wut fuck u up get down with the clown
by vampn3r October 13, 2007
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While laying down with your head on the ground your feet are on the wall and then the girl gives you a blow job by turning around and then bending backwards
Last night L Dog got an upside down rodeo clown from KB's friend
by Sunshine 18 April 27, 2009
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Denotes a keenness or willingness to participate, in reference to a suggestion. It is generally said with contextually embellished excitement, and emphasis on the rhyming factor of the phrase.

This phrase draws its origins from the Pierrot, or 'sad clown'.
by mbryo_ January 24, 2011
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