An oily, whorefaced, bean-stealing enemy of the people. Dick Cheney completed the long-rumored merger of Halliburton and the Whitehouse. Under Dick Cheney’s guidance Halliburton became a de facto government agency, overseeing policy decisions as well as spending billions in public funds. Dick Cheney also shot a senior citizen in the face, while poaching quail, at a canned hunt (after drinking). He was then taken off the NRA Christmas card list.
Which feeble oligarch attempted to throw a pitch at a Nationals’ game but was too weak to make it over the plate?
A. Montgomery Burns
B. Dick Cheney

The answer is B.
by Author June 14, 2006
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The vice president of our legendary nation who mistook a 78 year old lawyer for a quail and shot him in the face.
Who the hell is that shooting a bunch of seniors? Oh! It's just Dick Cheney.
by Paresthesia February 22, 2006
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An evil little man who really pissed off Bram Stoker in about 1870. Was the American "vice"-president until the dark side spit him out in late 2008. Now his whereabouts are unknown, but experts believe they may have found one of his numerous horcruxes in a small town in Texas.
Dr. Van Helsing: How did you sneak into the White House, you creepy old racist?

Dick Cheney: Heh heh, I flew in through the window...

Harry Potter: Aaaah! Stab the diary!
by The Culture Bandit May 16, 2009
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Verb. The act of shooting someone square in the face with a shotgun.
"We were playing CS and Dan came around the corner right into my sights, so I Dick Cheney'd him."
by Johnny_Reb May 19, 2009
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A man who absorbs light and then takes a dark dump on America
Bobby: don't get to close to Dick Cheney.

Fred: why?

Bobby: he will suck the life out of you!
by CHOWnoobCHOW April 21, 2009
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1. A man who can't tell the difference between a quail and his hunting partner.

2. Our Vice President
1. "Dick Cheney hit his hunting partner, Harry Whittington, in the face with shotgun pellets. Luckily, he is ok."

2. Dick is just one step away from being president. Thank Jesus George W. Bush is there instead.
by Booblover February 18, 2006
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