A date between two or more hetrosexual men doing a manly activity because the lack of women and or being in a relationship but unable to see their girlfriend/wife/weekly hook up. etc.
Man#1: My girlfriends has a cheerleading camp all next week.
Man#2: Gay, mines at a family reunion and no way I'm going.
Man#1: Want to go to the shooting range then see that new badass movie where people blow things up.
Man#2: Sure.
Man#1 Man Date it is..
by Aid'N July 20, 2009
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Whether it’s a movie or dinner, two guys going out together sans females constitutes a man date.
“Hey, guess who I say the other day… Steve. We went out for dinner and a movie.”
“Oh dude, you mean you went on a man date?”
by Anj L May 3, 2007
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A mans idea of a ideal date.
She invites you to her place for dinner. She doesnt hardly talk to you at all. You watch a Kung Fu movie together. Have Sex. She makes you a sandwich, and says "same time tommorow" and you say "yes" and go home. This is a Man's Date, Idealy
by Admiral Awesome Penis March 20, 2010
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When two guys who are good friends go for a night on the town, usually involving alcohol and generally a good time. No girls of any kind allowed in or with
Jeff1: dude thanks for the epic man date last night, had an epic time

Jeff2: No problem man we should do it again
by roger1235 April 27, 2012
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man date(n)- gay-like experience between 2 straight guys

from the movie "i love you, man"
Alannah: Eric, how'd your man date with Cory go?

Eric: Amazingly. We went and watched a movie then went bowling then to dinner
by weezy da realist March 15, 2009
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When two "straight" guys do something together that would have typically involved a guy and a girl in the past.

Rapid in California
Boy 1: I took Jon to this amazing stakehouse the other night.
Girl 1: Seriously? You just went on a man date?
by Jane Oaks August 29, 2007
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1) Job interview meeting where you meet a male recruiter.

2) Any other job related meeting you have arranged with a male person, e.g. a colleague.
1. I have a man date on tuesday. I have had thousands of them. I guess nobody will ever hire me. I shouldn't have studied cultural anthropology in the university. Most of them work at McDonalds. Phew!

2. I think the wings of Airbus A300 have started to fracture. We must arrange a man date with the engineers ASAP!
by En Runkare March 5, 2012
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