He is a comedian, who mainly walks back and forth on stage, jumps around, screams and talks about how much he wants to be a rocker.

Some think he is hilarious, some think he is annoying as all fuck....its up to you if you like him or not.
Dane cook: *yyeaarrruuuhhh!!!* *starts jumping and screaming at the part of the "joke" which is supposed to be funny*
by boredloserwithnogodamnlife February 6, 2011
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Since Dane Cook is known for lousy or "shitty" jokes, the act of taking a shit is also known as a dane cook
"I ate so much food at that party, I blew up the bathroom while taking a dane cook."
by yomama16 May 25, 2009
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worst commedian ever so overatted not even funny remotely
dane cook is about as funny as Bob Saget
by rest67 July 11, 2008
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I think shiting my pants would be more fun then to watch dane cook's stand up on comedy central
by dksuckspenis July 9, 2009
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1. An over-the-top, lowgrade comedian that you would get if you mixed Ryan Reynolds and Jim Carrey, and then took out any charm or comedic talent they had and left only their more annoying attributes. He thinks the more he yells and throws his limbs around the funnier he will be, and I guess society has proven him right. He has a large following of what I can only imagine are pure idiots drunk of their asses looking for a good time and find that a raving lunatic is a GOOD TIME.
2.A way to insult someones comedic talents.
3.Source of the term "cooked" meaning something is very very unfunny.
1. Have you heard Dane Cook?! He wants to be a snake! THATS SO FUCKING FUNNY!
2. ::guy tells lame joke:: Yeah that was about as funny as Dane Cook.
3.Guy 1: How was that new comedy starring Andy Milonakis? Guy 2:Oh it was cooked.
Guy 1: Awww, I thought it was gonna be good.
by The Real Definition January 30, 2006
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A has-been comedian turned bad actor who makes jokes that only idiots with single-digit I.Q's would think are even remotely funny.
Tommy: Hey Sean, there's Dane Cook.
Sean: Yeah he's such a douche. He should do another dreadful movie with Jessica Alba or Jessica Simpson.
by Into Thee Abyss January 14, 2010
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When a phrase, song, object, or just thing in general gets so overused that its not funny and/or cool anymore. Although it seems wicked sweet at first you soon realize everyone else who you have tagged as douche bags are saying the same things as you except poorly. Dane cook is a great comedian, i dont need the fat chick in the grade yelling his jokes in my face at lunch when im just trying to eat my god damn chicken patty.
1) -Yo man are you going to watch Summer Heights High later?

-Nah bro that shit got dane cooked.

by Bob (rull talk) Suarez February 13, 2009
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