A program that actually attempts to brainwash children into not using illegal drugs, a practise which has been taking place for thousands of years and which no amount of prohibition is goingto change.
It's bad enough locking up non-violent drug users, now they brain-wash our children. Prohibition sure helps everyone.
by John Diaz October 20, 2004
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A school program that teaches children the truth about drugs.
Through hard work, perseverence, and smart money mangement, Kyle saved his money for weeks and was finally able to buy himself that fat sack of chronic. Thanks D.A.R.E.!
by metatron April 29, 2003
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D rugs
A re
R eally
E xcellent
d.a.r.e. is what I live by.
by Mr. 420 December 18, 2006
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Something I was told, but did not listen to.
I went through the D.A.R.E. program, but look at me now!11! <tokes bong>
by fucking April 30, 2003
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Drugs Are Really Exciting
Dude1: Ey, what are you doing, fella
Dude 2: You know, weed
Dude1: Why?
Dude2: Because D.A.R.E
by TiaAmerica April 17, 2019
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That definition was funny in 5th grade when everyone took it.
by Anonymous April 29, 2003
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