Cunted as Fuck is the state one gets in, usually during a night on the town, or at a housparty, or in some of our cases - whenever humanly possible.

Typically drug/drink induced.
"Fuck me, 'm cunted as fuck. Them eckies made my legs not work'"
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A phrase to use when your day or a situation couldnt get any worse.
ie 'today was cunted as fuck', i' was cunted as fucked last nite mate'
by Emma November 18, 2004
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what you say when Paula Abdul grabs onto your legs at her house and wont let you leave because she's so monsterly fucked on painkillers and knows NOBODY will put up with her crazy horseshit besides you and then she tries to bribe you with $1100.00 keesh and a boxter (old and then she takes a dump in the washing machine but you tell her....
oh, yeah... stupid cunt, fuck off...ok.. it's kinda like big foot doing massive bongs with Wavy Gravy, whilst enjoying more Yorkshire Pudding than offered (that ungrateful shitpile) then being totally offended by WG's complete lack of etiquette in not tossing the big hairy's salad, like a champ... orrrrr!!...(bigfeet noize)

Basically, you're expressing the end of a once-magical relationship...that no one will ever believe happened... except that BUTTHOLE Simon who pretended to video tape like I'd asked him but totally fucking lied..whatever, cheeerz
by BOND, DYED BLOND December 31, 2011
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A phrase used to slander someone you have extreme hatred for, but when you want to avoid anything racial.
Should be used only in extreme situations where you cannot think of any other swear word and are so over the top pissed of you damn near shit your own pants.
Damn you Jeff, you god damn cunt-fucked piece of assholeshit, how dare you fuck my wife and eat my sisters pussy.
by Zumbii June 1, 2010
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A person who not only is ignorant and sometimes acts foolish, but also has a scar on his face resembling a vagina.
Yamcha: I'm right aren't I master.
Master: No, you cunt faced fuck!
by Sacktap June 25, 2006
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A person who is a cunt to the level of fucking. One level higher than cunt, one level lower than motherfucking cunt, and two levels below thundercunt.
My ex is such a fucking cunt. She told everyone I pissed my pants during the party last night.
by Dubiks January 7, 2019
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