Slang for pubic lice. Also known as crabs. Generally used on males, as the term is called COCKroaches
Stay away from Mike, I heard he has massive cockroaches.
by z0mbriie July 23, 2008
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Military recruiting euphemism for unsolicited recruiting targets, after their practice of lounging around at public places looking for younger people of a lesser education to hassle into joining the military.The implication is the recruiters think whoever they throw their enlistment spin at is poor and dumb enough to fall for it.
Army Recruiter 1: Look at those two cockroaches about 30 feet ahead, they look like Mc Job types.

Recruiter 2: Let's go see......

Army recruiter 1 (again)....... Have you thought about enlisting in the Army lately ???
by Piranha May 16, 2006
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A bandwagon Cowboys fan from somewhere other than the Dallas area.
After the Cowboys won their first game, I saw two cockroaches at the store wearing their Cowboys jackets.
by i hate dallas September 23, 2009
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Dirty little creatures that live under beds in dark, moist rooms, waiting to crawl in to the ears of unsuspecting sleepers to lay eggs and drink beer
Charla's bedroom is full of evil beady-eyed cockroaches waiting for her to fall asleep.
by C. Diesel October 20, 2014
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A promiscuous man that lurks in clubs. He is probably the hottest guy there, but he has deplorable hygiene and he's probably got STDs. He's also the only guy in the club clever enough to wear eyeliner.
-That guy over there is so choice, I've got to meet him. Oh, wait, he looks like a cockroach.

-He's such a cockroach, I heard he has AIDs. Too bad, I love a guy in leather.
by ladycreeper June 19, 2014
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Hey all the blue collars are home in quarantine. Except the westmount cockroaches. They survive everything. “
by Em1civic March 26, 2020
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Where the fric did they all go. It used to be an actual epidemic and now they are all suddenly gone. Why is no one talking about this??? Aliens are real
Oh hey look a cockroach and it's the year 1978.
by Karen Withakay October 31, 2019
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