Arguably the most violent movie ever made. Was banned in many countries upon its initial release in 1971.
Parents: Don't let your kids see this. Kids: Rent this at a video store without your parents' permission.
"How did you like A Clockwork Orange?"
"It was good, although I almost threw up after watching the first 10 minutes."
by Poiuyt October 28, 2003
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Oddest, most kickass movie.
Alex is a stud.
Alex:No time for the ol' in and out, love! I've just come to read the meter.
by Schmuck November 21, 2003
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Person A: "What's wrong with that bloke over there"?

Person B: "Mate he's as daffy as a clockwork orange"
by Egan Wilks March 12, 2022
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A film that may have been Super-Violent When it came out but is mild by today's standards. May induce sadistic pleasue at seeing the Droogs beat up hobos and randomly rape people.
Man, A Clockwork Orange was great!
by Ender December 14, 2003
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"Orange" - As in a sweetness, good and natural and "clockwork" - as wound up clockwork toy with a repeatable, dependable pattern.

Is the free spirit including its violence better than a controlled and contrived human mind?
George Bush would like us all to work like a clockwork orange.
by some droog September 21, 2005
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A physically intense movie depicting milk bars.
A Clockwork Orange has the original Got Milk.
by jakmak52 January 21, 2006
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Common name for the Glasgow Underground railway system, coming from the system running it and the colour of the trains. A station-by-station pub crawl is known as “riding” it
by SlagMe April 27, 2019
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