Word that is like "douche" or "faggot".

One who thinks he is the shit, but inevitably is a piece of shit.

Can be turned into verbs or adjectives eg. "Choched" "To be choching"

Used in sentences like this.
Dude he is such a choch! Look at him wearing that chochy clothes!

He's choching it up!

Fuck that choch man.
by xTurtle Sauce October 30, 2010
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"dude chop me another line of that choch"

"i think im getting the drip off that line of choch"

"where did all the choch go?"

"that choch is really expencive"

"im depressed because we can out of choch"
by Dan Mendez February 1, 2008
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Choch is a word to explain anything for example " bro your a choch" meaning chill in that way you can just replace it with any word you want and it works
"Bro your mom is a choch" mean is this way "bro your mom is a savage"
by Chochster February 19, 2017
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Another word for a Bi-Polar Faggot. Also an achievement whore on Xbox Live.
Choch: "YES, I got the 5 point Achievement!"
Guy: Wow your such a Choch

Choch: I cant be mad at you.
Guy: Choch
by xProgress January 4, 2010
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Major chochees.
Guy Number #1: Hey, major Choch over there.
Guy Number #2: Ya, like how so?
Guy Number #1: So these douche bags pull up in their bright blue Audis and Mazda 3's. Drinking smoothies and wearing white sneakers talking about the last guy or girl they fucked. These guys were wearing pooka shell necklaces, sideways Choch hats, and 6 layers of popped collars. They probably were popping bottles too.
by chocheechoch69 March 23, 2009
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A made up word to be provocative without people knowing.

Word to piss your friends off because they don't know the meaning.
Hey you have choch around your mouth

She's so easy she eats choch for breakfast

You a little moist? it smells like choch in here
by Jwin June 16, 2013
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"If I could just get one more line of choch then I will take out the trash"
by Michael Bremner February 7, 2005
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