A code word among high schoolers meaning "Marijuana".
Mostly used when talking about such in a class full of snitches and teachers and/or campus security.

Also, fun to see the looks on other people's faces around you when you ask a friend if they've got "Chapstick" or yell that you need some.
Person 1: "Dude... My lips are so dry, I haven't had any chapstick in weeks..."

Person 2: "Yeah? That sucks bro... I heard John's got some though. We should hit him up later for it."

Person 1: "Totally."
by Rachel Shmee October 24, 2011
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where a female takes their nipple and rubs it on someones lips in a chapstick motion
then she chapsticked me and then we had to do the do i mean come on
by Mr Davis November 28, 2007
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The god and center of the world, to members of the Church of the Living Chapstick (.com).
Person A: That person uses chapstick so fucking much
Person B: Ya, they are a member of the church of the living chapstick.
Person A: WTF?
by Dylan keenen November 8, 2005
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A lip balm as well. Used to make your lips taste nice when kissing. Also for un-Chapping your lips.
I can still taste you Chapstick on my lips, babe ;)
by Poppy_Altie March 2, 2018
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A sexual thing in which a guy sticks his cock in a women's shit filled ass and then takes it out and smears it on her lips
Hey bro I just got back from my girls after doing the "Chapstick"
by Depressed6942069 May 23, 2021
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When you penis is the size of a chapstick tube yet women cannot keep it off of their lips
The guy over there is the size of a chapstick tube but I still wanta to suck his fucking cock
by Cockmaster January 9, 2004
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