‘Brexiting’ is a word used for when you say youre leaving, but not actually leaving
john: i’m leaving!
john: *stays*

greg: why is he still here

johnny: don’t worry greg he’s ‘Brexiting’
by elkie says stan loona April 26, 2019
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Total and unmitigating Fuckup, based of a cart load of bullshit.
Oh you fucking BREXITED that right up!
by Remoaner November 29, 2017
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A swear word that is a metaphor for any process that someone single-mindedly drives to achieve despite all wise advice pointing out that it will be a disaster.
The doctors offered him all sorts of pain-killers and treatments to make things better but he just decided he was going to Brexit instead with predictable consequences.
by JackoJumble December 20, 2019
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Something or someone so ridiculously indecisive and inconclusive
“Sarah, you’re being so brexitable you keep going back to his flat for a shag.”
“The money in my bank account is actually brexitable.”
by mariwana:) November 29, 2019
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The thing that the Goverment of ENGLAND CANT HANDLE
by S0me_1 January 30, 2019
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Verb. To vocally declare one's intent to depart, but then indecisively delay or quietly avoid departure.
Every morning my cat brexits, meowing loudly at the front door, and then just sitting there when I open it for her.

Frustrated with his circumstances, the young child screamed "I'm running away". Yet his parents knew that he was brexiting, and sure enough he was quietly reading in his room minutes later.

After hearing the results of every presidential election, thousands of Americans brexit to Canada.
by Elbroomo January 11, 2017
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