Used as a nickname, it originates from the
missuse of the word for "bindings" (as in ski bindings) reflecting the frequent confusion between english words that sound alike by french canadians. Used as a nickname for frenchies.
french canadian: Fuck I broke my binders on my snowboard and had to walk down the hill at -40ºC so I got full of chicken pox.

english canadian: Learn to speak english Binders.
by Binders March 19, 2005
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Rudd had to jump on the binders to avoid hitting Wallace
by dave62 July 26, 2008
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A great device for storing women.
Mitt Romney had binders full of women.
Forever Alone Guy: I just bought a binder, hopefully its full of women.

This binder is defective, I can't even fit a woman in here!
by Servine October 23, 2012
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Where Mitt Romney keeps his women in.
Someone spilled coffee on the floor, bring out Rachel from the binder to clean it up.
by Binders of women October 18, 2012
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A piece of clothing worn by enbys, trans masculine people, masc females, or anyone who would feel more comfortable using one. It is used to make your chest appear flatter. (bind safely my friends)
by bigbussyprincess October 16, 2020
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A gathering of 3 or more chicks in one place.
Whenever Kevin sang he always collected a binder of women.
by notpip October 17, 2012
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noun; (rhymes with cinder)

1. To get fucked up several days in a row
2. An alterenitive pronunciation of "Bender"
Q: How was your spring break?
A: A fuckin' non-stop binder.
by Moonbeam April 11, 2007
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