A device built in to a geezers spunk trunk to stop his hand flying off the end whilst getting "pointey toed".
johnathon beeching has a bellend so tiny his hand always flies off explaining his black eye the other day.
by nathan bangstick October 16, 2003
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1) The bulbous tip of a penis; 2) A person whose charachter reflects that of said tip of penis (ie one is a bellend, one is being a bellend) ; 3) the most accurate description of Lewis Summerscales, Poole, Dorset
"Lewis, you are a complete bellend. And your mum."
by minty moggy May 15, 2003
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Plural form of bellend
The head of one's penis. So called because it is somewhat shaped like a bell's end.
God, you are all a bunch of bellends!
by EvanC_ July 14, 2008
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1. The fat end of a penis

2. The One-Eyed Purple trouser vermin
In light of recent events...Cristiano Ronaldo is an UTTER BELLEND!

Rooney: "Oi! I know you've got a lot of making up to do, but please mind your teeth on my bellend Ronaldo!"
by Cristiano Ronaldo July 8, 2006
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1) UK slang insult used in the same way as "dickhead" or "prick".

2) A violent, stupid, or contemptible person.
That man just punched out an old lady for no reason. What a fucking bellend.
by whitetrash jim August 18, 2008
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