Town in southern new Hampshire. Rich, Cocky town but good at sports. Most people think new Hampshire is just a ton of rednecks that's not from New England. Way too much gossip but there are some cool kids. Most towns surrounding hate Bedford. There is a lot of sex and drugs in Bedford. Each grade consists of around 450 kids. Dean Kamen creator of the segway lives there. Few Black people and most are some what immature.
"Yo dude I was playing football against Bedford and they are little S***s

"I saw a Bedford police car, it was a mustang"

"Where do you get your pot? Oh from some kids in Bedford"
by TryurBestBro April 15, 2014
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A rather small school in Michigan that is ran by teachers that don’t give a crap about anything, and expect you to know everything. Kids also do crack in the bathrooms and you get mugged in the bathrooms quite a lot (speaking from experience)
John: Bro did you hear about Bedford?
Joe: Yeah, it was Fight Week Pt. 2 last week
John: Yeah! (11/4-11/8/19)
by Bystander-pineapple November 13, 2019
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A stereotypical rich ass white town in southern New Hampshire
Bedford NH? That bitch town full of money? Ya, I'm from there
by BHShuman March 24, 2015
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One of the fanciest towns in NH. High taxes. Whole Foods. You name it, pretty much the closest we get to thto OC in NH.
“My friend from Bedford NH has a huge house with a pool and a huge yard.”
by 603lord April 17, 2018
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likes to think he’s above alternative music; is ‘not like other boys’; main choice of flirtation tactic is Negging; needs to STFU
“Have you heard of Smashing Pumpkins?” He asked. I looked up and there before me stood Luca Bedford. “Here is a list of bands you should listen to that you didn’t ask for. I’m gonna change Afda haha lol did I mention I don’t believe in space?”
by The Basic Thot August 28, 2019
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a city on south coast Mass where you eat linguica and jag, know to stay away from the Front after dark, head down to the Fort to light up or get laid, know that Guatemalans all live in a van, know that Sassaquin isn't really New Beige, get dressed up to go to the Madeira feast, can prove that the Dartmouth refs get paid off, know that boys do play volleyball, head to Puzzles if you're gay, head to Strand if you're underage, head to Bar 908 if you're a forever resident, and know at least three people who sells drugs
cruisin the ave until 2 on a Friday night, hittin up the 24 hour Dunky's, doin a turnaround at Brooks, and laughin at the imports in the Wendy's parkin lot and at the wall
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A School full of ugly niggas and mixy bitches who dickride each other a juniors and seniors go out with freshman and the teachers have problems
Shaneeka said bedford is one of the worst schools out here

Drippy brim said A Freshman gave a senior the session in the YMCA bathroom Bedford academy
by Bedford Academy December 18, 2019
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