It's also Spanish for 'monkey'. The female is 'mona'.
Mira ese tipo, Se parece un jodio mono
by El Lobito Triste June 7, 2005
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Salvadorean term for young boy. could also be used "mona" for girl
Ese mono esta jodiendo.
by YOYOGIZZLE June 12, 2010
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short for mononucleosis.

something you get from pussies like Alex Truelove, who have only gotten to first base.
- like herpes, only more embarrassing.
Shit, that douche Alex gave me & two of my friends Mono, and he only kissed one of us!
by Dixie Normous er. July 31, 2009
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a sickness usually spread by kissing, but NOT always, and it is when you have an overlarged liver. you shouldnt do physical activity, and its contagious.
i cant have sex, i have mono.
by kelly margaret April 11, 2006
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To describe someone

Someone is a Mono when...
They talks to themselves
They drinks a coffee too fast
They kin a lot of random characters
A Mono usually gives off extremely British vibes and gets headaches on Mondays
*aggressively gets a headache*
you're pulling a Mono again
by providedbyMono December 21, 2020
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Mononucleosis (Mono) : Giving a person STD mouth to mouth or saliva.
" im going to give you hardcore mono"

"me giving you mono."
by drrapper May 18, 2023
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The combination of various styles of music to create a mental flow with constant attraction to the spirit created by god himself
Random combinations of hip hop rhythms paired with jazz, blues, gospel, trance, techno, rock, r&b to create a new sound that can make your pants jizz.
by Samhoseok October 22, 2018
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