If you where born on this day then you must probably have curly, auburn hair. Also your names probably along the lines of Ryanne. Also they really enjoy boofeys and are most likely gay.
Ryanne is probably gay because she was born on February 3rd.
by Big goblin November 6, 2019
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Everyone born on this day is a god/goddess and if you don’t let them boss you around you are literal human trash
Maddie was born on february 3rd!”
seriously?! she’s so cool”
by 3melodii3 May 18, 2020
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February 3rd is a national Alissar day. On this day, people must show how much they love and appreciate Alissar, buy her gifts, and of course get her flowers. This day is also considered a “Yes day”, which means that on February 3rd, “no” doesn’t exist.
-Wow, who did you get peonies for?
-Are you out of your mind, how could you forget that it’s February 3rd, National Alissar day!!!
by user272728282 July 27, 2023
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this birthday has the hottest people born on it and they pull all the milfs and hoes
“DAMN he’s born of February 3rd, well I guess he’s a chick magnet
by Milf locater 69420 December 17, 2021
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The nacional Franz day
When is your bd?
February 3
by Urban9803 October 16, 2019
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