Mozonite's deadline to make the boyfriend role or he will be canceled on
mozo better make that role before "December 21st 2020" before he gets canceled!
by Yellojared December 21, 2020
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according to Mayan Calendar.. It's the last day of the earth.. The world will end on this date..
On December 21st, 2012.. The huge meteors will hit the earth and blast it to oblivion..
by Luke AtMadick May 6, 2008
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Today is buy your Croatian friend a $1869.95 A20 Aviation Headset from BOSE.
Person 1: I like you so much, we’re such good friends.

Croatian Person: Well if we’re such good friends, you should buy me a $1869.95 A20 Aviation Headset from BOSE.

Person 1: What? Why? That’s too much money.

Croatian Person. Well, it’s December 21st Day! You have too. Or it’s racist.
by Dr.Montgomery December 21, 2022
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Government will modify everyone’s genetic code, specifically targeting African Americans as they were born with superior genes. On December 21st of 2020, African Americans DNA will be unlocked and majority will be able to do things that everyone thought were fiction.
Black friend : Aye bro you know what’s happening to me on December 21st?

White friend : no, what’s going on?
Black friend : imma become god lmao.
by Microzofter December 20, 2020
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the day when all black people get special powers and are allowed to take over the world
“Hey did you hear about the black person with laser eyes robbing a bank??”

Yeah, so what?, it’s December 21st.”
by gzach December 21, 2020
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person who was born on December are not specifically good person.
person who was born on December 21st deserves the entire world.
if you don't like theses person, people in general are allowed to break your arms.
smone- i was born on December, way ?
you- but which day ?
smone - December 21st but whyyyyy
smone- i don't like y-

everyone who breath oxygen : *come over there and kick your s'ut's ass*
by srekcinscat October 16, 2019
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