National Karma Day Every ones Least favorite day. Literally Every August 13 I either stub my toe on the corner of a table

miss the bus, Cant pass a level in black ops, My Frickin Instagram account gets Hacked. and this year August 13 Just so happens to be Friday 13 witch will probaly mean double karma. 2021 really hates me
Friend: hey man its August 13
Me: OH Crap

Friend: what?
Me: Go to the store buy 15 planks of wood a hammer and a pack of nails
Friend: uhhhh....ok
Me: tell my mom im sick and cant go to school
Friend: ok but why
Me: I need to baracade myself in my room Its August 14
by ThedrillGod May 14, 2021
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A young man stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 13th of April, 2009, is this young man's birthday. Though it was thirteen years ago he was given life, it is only today he will be given a name!

What will the name of this young man be?
August 13August 13August 13August 13August 13August 13August 13August 13August 13August 13
by Ejejsks April 14, 2022
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The people who where born on this day is very special. They are beautiful and very intelligent. The girls are very sexy and extremely beautiful. They might seem weird in the beginning, but that is only because they don’t always know how to act. If you were born August 13 2005 you are very very very special. You most likely have blonde hair and blue eyes. The people who is born this date and year will become big stars. Watch out world there is a Norwegian girl on here way. Boys who are born this day is more likely to loose there temper and get into fights. Both genders are very good looking and sexy. They are loyal and trustworthy friends. The girls are trustworthy to their boyfriends, but the boys who is born on August 13 is more likely to cheat. If you have a best friend or a friend who is born this day keep them. They are the best!
I’m loyal. I was born August 13....
by Englishlessons4you April 26, 2019
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National hug all mayas day!
Hey maya, it’s august 13 i have to hug you!
by Mayalolz January 9, 2021
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To give denisse everything she want that day and bother the shit out of her .
I cant wait for August 13
by Thatguy2864 yuh 7 November 27, 2019
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These people born on this day are fake friends.
You: It’s my birthday, August 13th!
Ryan: You’re a fucking fake you big booty bitch.

If you dislike this you were probably born on August 13th and failed the vibe check.
by joemommaalolol November 5, 2019
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