The last ten minutes before most of the clubs shut. This is when deperate lonely chumps get off their asses and hit the dance floor seeking easy prey for their sexual needs. During this short period it is not rare to see desperate males going beyond the "2 above - 2 below" points rule that is generally accepted.
Chump 1: "10 to 2 bois! Let's get some pussy on the go!"

Chump 2: "That bird is a 10 to 2 at best."
by Jandy May 5, 2008
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She/He was a 10 at 2. This means the girl/guy you would have never talked to at the begining of the night has made it into your life by the time the bar closes at 2am. By rating her on a scale of 1-10 due to the alchol she/he has became a 10 at 2.
Guy 1: Hey man did you see that girl i hooked up with on saturday?

Guy2: Yeah man saw her at the begining of the night, She must have been a 10 at 2.

Guy1: Yeah lets just keep her a secret.
by zmoney12 May 1, 2009
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10 and 2 is the rotation of smoking a methamphetamine pipe, but only while it is in someone’s butt.
Yo, you tryna do 10 and 2 tonight?
HELL YEAH I’m tryna do 10 and 2!
by Gang gang 123444444 August 14, 2019
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A band from south jersey whose name pops up in everyday life. No matter where you go there will always be something that presents these 2 numbers. You can not escape it, nor can you escape the anger that comes with realizing you've been subjected to them.
Dude 1: Excuse me, could i get a 10 and 2 5's for this.
Dude 2: Aww man are you serious? 10 and 2 I fucking hate you.
by d00fal00f July 6, 2010
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A way to tell people to chill TFO when they're getting to annoying. Like when they're being extra to the point where your nonexistent gag reflex is acting up because of this person's personality.
Hoe #1: *screaming and jumping on tables*
Real G: Hoe 10 to 2.
by LianneLaHatahs March 20, 2016
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2/10 : used by those who smoke n turn the pipe left to rite??
What’s up yo let’s go n do 2/10
by k187c August 16, 2019
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Noun - A girl who you might try and chat up or pull in a nightclub when it gets to 1:50am and just want a snog before you have to leave. These are normally fat girls and ones you'd never normally bother talking to (see 'beer goggles'). Pulling a 10 to 2 bird will top off your night and make the entry fee to the club seem worth it and generally make you feel better about yourself! (see 'charlie big balls')
Come on mate i haven't pulled yet, lets go and find a 10 to 2 girl!
by Alex Howarth February 1, 2006
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