When mathematical conjectures or hypotheses on the number π have finally been proved to be false—any hunches or doubts about them have now been put to rest.
In the last half-century, the piece of land initially allocated for pi cemetery has been enlarged a few times to welcome new dead members on its premises.
by Fasters November 4, 2022
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A word choice on the games "taboo" and "pictionary". No known definition, even the googler doesn't know what it means. A person asked what it meant on Yahoo! Answers and there were no responses. It is actually black magic.
"Hey! What's a cemetery pencil?"
"Look it up on the googler!"
-No results found-

"wow, must be BLACK MAGIC!"
by keylimepie September 3, 2013
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1. The colon of a man whore. 2. Any area where large groups of gay men live and play.
1. Perez Hilton sits on a gerbil cemetery.

2. San Francisco, CA
by Pocono Joe December 13, 2010
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a person (usually a goth girl, but can be of either gender) who spends a lot of time prowling cemeteries
"Hey, where's Annie today?"

"Probably hanging out in the graveyard. She's always been something of a cemetery bunny."
by Gabriella Stalker March 3, 2009
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Somebody that eats ,drinks ,smokes and does drugs and doesn’t give a crap about anybody They eat bacon wrapped in bacon for breakfast . Also about 50+ pounds overweight and are very unhealthy also lazy.
My coworker lives a cemetery lifestyle
by Ronline11 June 2, 2018
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A cumdumpster that doesn't intend to get pregnant
"I came inside her, shit was cash."
"Oh shit are you trying for a baby?"
"Nah bro, she's a semen cemetery."
by Boinko October 21, 2021
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The place where the jokes die.
It is a common place to lame memes, jokes or insults. The prime examples are Sexual humor, Dick jokes, Maternal insults, Flatulence humor, Low-effort jokes/memes, political jokes, and other original jokes that were considered unfunny.
Guy 1: Hey wanna hear a joke?
Guy 2: OK, Go on.
G1: How to make a Sergeant impressed at his recruits?
G2: Not being a pussy?
G1: Wrong! You should never suck dicks!
G2: Man, your joke belongs to the Comedy Cemetery.
G1: Why?
G2: Because it's cringe and low-effort!
G1: Ah.. Sorry. I'm just new to offensive jokes.
G2: It's okay, you could learn more at homophobic dudes.
by Ronald Lee February 14, 2022
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