Where you must ejaculate the amount of times the date is on December each day.

For example December 1st you must ejaculate 1 time and the 2nd, 2 times, 3rd 3 times, 4th 4 times. The time limits is in each of the dates respected time. It will emd after December 31st where you would ejaculate 31 times.
The Bro: "Bro are you participating in DDD?"
You: "Yeah. Sure.."
by Ratatouillae November 5, 2020
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stands for "Don't Do Drugs"
George: yo dude, whachya gonna do over the summer?
Jack: Party and drink. HAHA

George: LOL just remember, DDD!
by JCKL15 December 21, 2011
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Don't Do Drugs.
ESTER: Last summer i made one big STUPIDDDD MISTAKE, i frikkin' smoked the blunt. I became a shouting gore head 2pac finder, winnie the pooh hyper shithead that stoled the honey. The days after the stupid drugs got 2 my cheeseburger and fries brain, i became a bad friend. I was one big stupid ass melting in the sun downer. So DDD.
by †reptilicus† June 16, 2010
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DO it DAILY DECEMBER November has is not nutting so lets do it for the whole month of December
Relax you can nut now that its December DDD
by Chainsawman06 November 15, 2019
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DDD very clearly stands for Double-D Deprivation. This is an extremely common, and quite serious condition, in which one has not seen, let alone come into contact with, a large set of breasts in a very long time.

Possible known side effects include twitching of the eyes, seizures and prolonged periods of shameful masturbation.
John: "What's wrong with Sam? His left eye was twitching during science class and then he went into convulsions."

George: "Word on the street is that he has DDD. It's pretty serious."
by THE HOLE WIZARD November 11, 2014
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going to a different persons house ringing the door bell and running away

"dude lets going DDD my friends house tonight"
by Drew Peacocks69 February 28, 2012
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