A fake college where all the staff are groomers and they allow rape. Don’t forget the blue American spirits.
“Hey man I got into Sterling college VT!”
“You mean that weird camping cult? Good luck bro”
by Expedition h8er June 5, 2022
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A good college in the Bay Area filled with all types of smart ass Asians.
I bet that smart Asian goes to Berkeley College. Oh yea and the word “Berkeley” was already taken
by Cerf Joint March 18, 2021
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waking up in the morning and realising your bed is a very comfortable place that you do not want to leave. generally occurs 1 - 2 months of starting college
chick: why werent you here this morning?
dude: ahh, the college effect strikes again.
by ZEDEDED October 17, 2010
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This is an all boy school located in St. Elizabeth and also a school that captures the hearts of st hughs girls as they are rich, hot, rich, hot, charming, rich and hot.
Half of them are said to be gyalists but still no one cares.
Boy: He's a gyalist though...
Girl: AND?!?!
by imoutherelivingtho January 26, 2022
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Bethlehem College is a school close by Ashfield station and is filled with wonderful girls (and some annoying ones). The school is a modern place filled with wonderful learners who give their best efforts to understand th confusing teachers. Make sure to find all the girls with names starting with A and give them millions of dollars if you have that much to spare because they are the real ones. Back to the school its got some OK excursions and you should think about enrolling your kid hear because there are some real cool kids that will change your life for the better.
"Bethlehem College is a cool school"
by LOoPYd00p June 16, 2021
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a school that values academic excellence over all else and shuns losers for their lack of intellect.
"I go to Narrabundah college"
"you must be a very sad person"
by the one and only manny July 22, 2020
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Walking into this kip of a school felt like a bramble bush with the amount of pricks in there all so pussy deprived they just get with each other.claim to be a rugby school but can’t compare to the brollege
Person1: are you going to the game in St. Micheals college
Person2:sorry can’t have a restraining order on 90% of the school
by Ur dad works for mine November 23, 2021
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