Real art, something that is so beautiful that it's a shame I can't draw.
Person 1: It's not hentai! It's real art!
Person 2: You're so right!
by Teh_O30E November 21, 2019
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Girl real’ means something is real or in a more literal case, relatable, but like in a girl sense (only the girls that are girl real will truly understand).
“She is SO girl real omg.” “that is so girl real actually.”
by dylanism July 21, 2022
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1. the round fruit of a tree of the rose family, which typically has thin green or red skin and crisp flesh.

2.the tree bearing apples, with hard pale timber that is used in carpentry and to smoke food.
Tom: You bro aren’t all real g’s apples

by Bigleoth August 23, 2019
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A phrase used commonly from native Americans to describe something awesome or appealing to them
Holy hell she's real bang!
by Mr. Real Bang May 18, 2016
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