person who mops floors in 25 cent peep shows.
my teacher should have been a splooge mopper.
by Anonymous August 27, 2003
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Jack: My date with Jill last night was a real splooge-o-rama

Tom: Sweet!
by KickItAgain August 4, 2006
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When you ejaculate in your pants. Usually due to a nocturnal emission, but can happen at anytime.
I woke up this morning to find I splooged my pants last night.
by tzanks March 13, 2016
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1) A metaphorical phrase referring to the immasculation of some person; this phrase was first used in Austin Powers: Goldmember during the prison rap scene

2) The action of ejaculating into someone else's apple-derived side dish.
Example 1) Friend #1: "What now, bitch? I won!!! Splooge in your applesauce! All up in it!!!"
Friend #2: "Yeah, whatever..."

Example 2) Ted: 'Bob, this applesauce tastes funny'
Bob: 'Yeah, because I splooged in your applesauce, Ted! HAHA'
by TheoDizzle June 29, 2005
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Final words of Fred Flinstone before falling asleep after intercourse. (usually with Wilma)
Wilma; Oh Fred, not yet, I'm nearly there.
Fred; Yabba Dabba Splooge
by benthreethousand July 29, 2010
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Eating something so full of peanut butter goodness and wonder that you in fact jizz peanut butter everywhere.
I took Ben n Jerry's peanut butter cup and covered it in Reese's peanut butter sauce and then covered it in Reese's cups and the first spoon full caused massive explosion of Peanut Butter Splooge.
by jb81391 February 22, 2011
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(noun) - dried sperm in a women's hair after sex
girl: "I have so much squiggly splooge in my hair from last night, Jim busted in my hair and i didn't clean it up"
by jpeps November 29, 2011
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