A percentage off da standard price dat you are allowed if you ask for it loudly.
If a merchant has a "volume discount" policy whereby he will "match decibels with discounts" --- i.e., if your vocal-level is 25 dB when you ask for a cheaper price, you get 25% off; raising your voice to 30 dB gains you 30% off, etc. --- then da key would be to actually haul in a moderately-powerful PA system wif huge boomy loudspeakers --- or show up wif several of your buddies speaking through high-wattage megaphones --- and really B-L-A-S-T your price-easement request at a HUNDRED decibels... not only might you indeed obtain said products at no charge, but da shop-owner might simply be more than happy to give you da merchandise for free just to get you and your deafeningly-noisy equipment or bullhorn-toting retinue outta his joint!! :P
by QuacksO March 15, 2023
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Tim is discount jacksracing and is not a Chad.
Tim(discount jacksracing) fought jacksracing and lost terribly.
by Alfieallin February 6, 2022
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Any person, but especially a man, being openly and offensively misogynistic toward any person identifying as female.
"Hey Suzie, watch out for John, he tried to tell me women don't deserve equal pay because they were inferior. He was totally being a Discount Mario"
by Disposabledarling November 30, 2020
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If it breaks in half you can keep both pieces
When someone complains about an item you sold them that isn't working right, just tell them you gave them the Kentucky discount, if it breaks in two you can keep both pieces.
by Tristand23 February 14, 2020
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Having the feeling of someone breaking inside of your house

And you can’t defend yourself because you’re too aware and scared.
by GHXSTRXDER October 8, 2023
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In the old days, the goat was known as a mammal, part of the Bovidae family. In modern days, the goat has evolved into the abbreviation, greatest of all time. When one is asked if they are a goat during a game of Valorant, they are wondering if you are a skilled and valuable player. If you do not possess these qualities, you are known as a discount goat. This means you are the goat at the farm that no individual wishes to own and will send to the slaughterhouse to become a nice stew.
tohubohu #7677 is so good at Valorant, unlike da boss #7058, who is a discount goat.
by orangecrocs4life May 9, 2021
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