Float like a butterfly refers to the ability to move around lightly and quickly on one's feet during a fight. Sting like a bee refers to effective punching that hurts the other person. crawl like a caterpillar refers to the ability to have opponent on all fours begging for mercy during a fight.
by King amun tut ankh September 22, 2019
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The act of fornication with both partners standing facing a wall. The partner directly facing the wall will then raise his/her legs and begin the tedious task of of climbing said wall while maintaining fornication and balance. Caution; the climbee must be very limber.
I gave your sister a Boston Wall Crawl until her feet were touching the ceiling! Good look getting those footprints down.
by Johny Dickrigger December 6, 2009
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A Kingston Pub Crawl is when a group of travelers (min. 3 people) turn a standard pit stop into a impromptu pub crawl. The group must visit a minimum of 3 locations that serve alcohol, having at least 1 drink at each location, while getting back on the road within approx. 30-45 minutes. Typical locations to visit during a Kingston Pub Crawl are Pizza Hut, Applebees, and Chilli's. In Canada Boston Pizza and Swiss Chalet would qualify. A Kingston Pub Crawl (aka. a KPC) can happen on a sight seeing tour, on a bus carrying a baseball team, or on a road trip with friends.
A team bus full of baseball playing idiots stopped midway through their road trip for food. Having only 30 minutes to get food and be back at the bus the three determined and ambitions members of the team attempted a Kingston Pub Crawl. Starting at Boston Pizza the three had Jager Bombs. Next they ventured to Swiss Chalet for Tequila. To finish, the fellas traveled across the street to Pizza Hut to enjoy shots of Sambuca. They did all this in time for the bus to leave - thus meeting all stipulations of a Kingston Pub Crawl.
by Anyoneseenmybat? May 26, 2011
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Taking your sweet time with no apparent urgency
Grandma was crawling ass through the grocery store. I thought we’d never get out.
by yellowhau5boys October 16, 2023
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When it is so easy to get with a girl , you can walk slower then a pimp walk
Man , you can get with her so easy , you're doing the rascal crawl
by constapatedape January 28, 2008
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Having sexual intercourse with a female of whom you do not intend to call back the next day; Also known as ghosting
“She thought I was sticking around, I was there to canoodle and crawl dude”
by canoodleandcrawl69 March 23, 2018
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Having sexual intercourse with a female of whom you do not intend to call back the next day; Also known as ghosting
“She thought I was sticking around, I was there to canoodle and crawl dude”
by canoodleandcrawl69 March 23, 2018
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