a fine mf🙏🏿

i love you xander. you mean the absolute world to me.

wow. xander is so fine. oh my god.
by do828272 December 7, 2022
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Xander is a person who is quite shy has dark humor but is really funny and cool when you got to know him. If you're a girl you'll definitely want to get to know a Xander. He is also very trustworthy and understanding. The name Xander comes from Alexander like in Alexander the Great.
Huh, Xander seems really shy without a reason.

Don't worry every Xander is shy but he's really cool and funny!
by ARUBAAN August 22, 2018
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Xander is a furry.
Jon: You know that Xander kid?
Luke: Yeah?
Jon: He's such a furry!
by jonrochford November 15, 2022
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Xander is amazing and fit
I saw Xander today
by Fern.xx December 6, 2020
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Xander is the the most loyal, appreciative, understanding, loving and funny person you will ever meet. Xander has a heart like soft marshmallows over a hot fire and not even the sun can compare to his heartwarming smile. If you happen to meet a Xander protect him, care fot him and love him unconditionally, because he will do the same for you.
Xander, i love you
by julie.bbe November 23, 2021
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Xander is the most sweetest, caring, love able and gentle guy. He has a heart like marshmallows over a hot fire. Xander is the all in one package, he is the best boyfriend, best friend and most of all, the best person you will ever meet. Xander makes stupid jokes and laughs at them, but he has the sweetest smile so no one really cares. Love him and care for him because he will do the same for you.
Xander, i love you
by julie.bbe November 22, 2021
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Xander is the most sweetest, caring, love able and gentle guy. He has a heart like marshmallows over a hot fire. Xander is the all in one package, he is the best boyfriend, best friend and most of all, the best person you will ever meet. Xander makes stupid jokes and laughs at them, but he has the sweetest smile so no one really cares. Love him and care for him because he will do the same for you.
Xander, i love you
by julie.bbe November 22, 2021
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