REMI AYASAKI FROM HORIMIYA… she has the prettiest bf ever. Literally best girl
Remi ayasaki; *exists*
by Fischellesolos February 23, 2022
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when you take your ex's significant other and french kiss with them while pooping in front of your ex.
OMG John pulled a Dirty Remie last night!
by wowsus August 18, 2022
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Is the coolest person ever and is always on your side either you’re going thru a crisis or going in your day. Will always be there and always has been there for you. Someone who truly cares about you and not someone who just is there. They help you with work and when you need to rant. Theyre there for you for everything you’ll ever need. Nothing else.
Person 1 - Hey have you seen G? The coolest and nicest person in the world(
G/Remy - right here you fucking idiot

G remy is cooler and better than you bro
by deezfuckingnhts November 23, 2021
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Remi schwartz is a cute jewish girl. She is a lightweight and very loud and sometimes obnoxious when drunk. The secret to her heart is food and/or puppies. She's got a nice booty and has a great sense of humor. You either hate or love her.
Remi Schwartz ate all the snacks
by SleepySalmon December 15, 2019
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When a man (usually named Remy) has massive Beta vibes and they do Rimjobs on men.
Icluding your dad
Yoo that guys a Remy Rimjob
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Two gay bfs who are gay.

very nice people 🤷🏼 ♂️
Jasper : I love you, Remi!
Remi : stfu.

Jasper and Remi are bfs who obviously love each other
by hxshiras.. January 12, 2022
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