(Nods) is somthing said when you have nothing to say in text its like saying ok but evan more confusing and disinterested !
jim: i wnt 2 de clrb lest nite
ava: (Nods)

jim: r u gud bruh
ava: (Nods)
jim: ok
ava: (Nods)
jim: gud buye
ava: bye
by copelily82 =) you got it March 5, 2018
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Idk Joeyy n marlon say it, just dozing off/ high as fuck
by ganger200 July 6, 2023
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The nod that you give someone when you understand what they are saying, but aren't amused or disappointed.

Synonyms: Neutral Nod
I gave my girlfriend the Nod of Acknowledgement last light at dinner.
by AntisocialWeeb August 19, 2016
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The look two people each other when it is noticed that a romance is blooming between two other nearby.
He choked back a smirk and gave a cupids nod in the direction of Eleanor and Benji, "Dude, they are totally flirting".
by Avis Arbor August 25, 2022
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When LSD (acid) is combined with an opioid/opiate such as Oxycodone or Hydromorphone. Users experience classic psychedelic effects and visuals while being in a more mellow, and euphoric mental state. Often used to lower anxiety from psychedelics without reducing visual effects in the way benzodiazepines or alcohol would.

LSD is sometimes substituted with Magic Mushrooms for this combination.
Sarah had a great time Nod Flipping last weekend! Usually she freaks out on LSD, but she seemed much more relaxed and happy when she took a low dose of Oxycodone as she was coming up on the acid.
by Begotten July 17, 2023
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The Detroit nod is often seen in "the trenches" and more violent streets of Detroit. With Detroit being one of the murder capitals of America, any social interaction must be handled carefully. The "Detroit Nod" is a social gurantee that there are no problems and no worries. Essientially; I won't hurt you, you won't hurt me.
In Detroit: "Cuz gave me the nod so I knew he was straight"

"Why that dude nod at people like that?"

"That's the Detroit nod bro!"
by Big Dog Barretta November 24, 2019
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