Annoying as hell. You’ll always find him begging his girlfriend to hangout. Kinda sucks at parking and will definitely run over curbs even though he’s only done it “one time”. Kind of slow sometimes and will stare at his Girlfriend for no reason at all. Also likes to spend money for some reason and has only let his gf pay for one drink. But he’s also ... the sweetest guy you’ll ever meet. Will always make you laugh over the stupid shit he says/does. Makes you feel sooo special & will always keep a smile on your face. The best boyfriend ... to MaryJane and MaryJane ONLY !!
MaryJane: “babe stop crying

Abraham: “I’ve been crying. I miss you so much”

Abraham: “Kiss me
by happy tales love July 2, 2019
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Abraham will be your favorite person you’ve ever met, he’s super sweet, funny, and he’s never boring. he’s attractive and addictive, once you fall for him, he’ll be the earth and heaven to you for the rest of the time you know him. he’s really dependent and needs someone to be there for him, don’t give up on him and always be ready to give him all your love. he really deserves it <3
“you’re dating Abraham?”
“yes, he’s the light of my life!”
by lalalallemon May 9, 2022
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Abraham is a cool guy, he usually loves playing minecraft and other games. Mad gets really mad over video games and loves cricket.
Abraham aint a bozo.
by lolratiobozo April 15, 2022
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A nigga with a little dick little brain big nose and act like a clown also selfish
Aye man can i get some of your chips

Abraham: no nigga buy your own

But what about when i lent you a doll

Abraham: no
by Cheeks clapper November 19, 2019
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Although devilishly handsome, with a smile easy to trust, and a hairline drawn by the gods, Abraham is a dangerous man, a man of great power and athleticism, a man of great understanding and intelligence beyond that of the average human. Do not mess with Abraham, he would prefer to love you unless given no option. At the point of no more options, your fate has already been sent into the hands of the god of death, and the order will be carried out by Abraham himself.
It is unfortunate that he is such a chick magnet, because when his heart is captured by one woman, his loyalty is unwavering and your chances with him come to a halt.
Yo, I’ve always wanted to be like Abraham, he’s such a stud, all around man.
by DefinitelyNotAbraham November 23, 2021
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Abe usually loves 5v5 king of the court and likes basketball.
Abraham is most likely loyal and chill.
by Jumanjia November 22, 2021
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