An arrogant man who says Piper down, speaking of himself in 3rd person, advertising his electrical and automotive skills and thus becomes Piper clown as the name Piper down is an indirect way of showing off sexual (unwanted) availability
My boyfriend advertised his business as Piper down, he ends up looking like Piper clown.
by Dangen123$ November 30, 2018
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While balls deep doggystyle another person is kicking you in the balls with a big red shoe simultaneously squeezing their big red nose making a squeaky sound.
As I was being punished during an S&M session someone came over and gave me a clown kick.
by klownposse June 7, 2017
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1.) noun. viscous tomfoolery; an individual or act that is considered both nonsensical and vapid

2.) The Soup of Fools
“Honestly, I don’t think you should date your coworker... He’s Clown Chowder AF...
by Trashlight May 20, 2021
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A tubby wanker who turns in front of you after leaving Taco Bell
Ahh you clown biscuit
by Pbandjennay April 17, 2021
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1. An insult that a complete idiot makes when he's losing an argument. 2. A jester or Harlequin that works locally.
Henry was doing badly in debate club so he referred to Jessica as an area clown.
by Renfield76 April 8, 2010
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When you take a massive hit of weed, give a menstruating woman oral pleasure and then exhale.
What’s that on your face?

I smoked a shit ton last night and gave that girl the smoking clown
by The crazy clown October 5, 2019
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To return to an ex or a boy you said you won’t return to.
by Clowning Everyday May 19, 2021
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